Talking about entertaining myself, I have been stressing over some website issues and I need to create one for all my graphic work to be shown as a portfolio. Honestly, not the ideal entertainment of all time. Today, I went to Hobby craft, got some ribbon and padding. Then went to Homebase to get some board. Been with the staple gun, hammer and upholstery pins. Voila! Its finally very own victorian notice board that I have always wanted. I don't think I have the energy to make another though. DIY = hard work and effort for a cheaper price, should I have just simply bought one or absorb the proudness of my own work.
But so far the best entertainment of the week has got to be INCEPTION. Brilliant plot, brilliant graphics, brilliant actors. It messes with your head and now it has still got me thinking. Don't you just hate films that do that?!! A love-hate thing.
i wanna see the board! =)
and inception is awesome. =) i came out of the cinema thinking that i was in a dream. =S
haha..i will put up a pic soon !!.
i know right..i came out thinking that too? is this all real? if people can think of such brilliant ideas im sure heaven is above awesome.
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